It’ll get better

My darling I know it pains you, you think nobody understands you and your pain, it's true nobody can. But if it makes you feel better  I want you to know that everybody around us is suffering, we all are going through things we are too young to face and too naive but I promise you it’ll get better, for you, me, and everybody. Not everybody will understand you, they will think you are just overdoing it but if it makes you feel better just know that they are too the soldiers of their own battle thinking how much you are privileged you are than them and if it makes you feel better just know that you are much more given then many people are. I know it makes you feel like you are caged in an invisible cage with the key long gone but if it makes you feel better just know I promise you to find the key and you’ll fly in the sky like a bird who is free, I promise you it’ll get better. You think it's only you, why me? My darling trust me it’s not just you, it’s everybody who’s suffering, dealing with their own problems, but if it makes you feel better just know that you are not alone and you don’t have to suffer alone, there are people who want to help you and it’s really okay to ask for help. I know it feels like it is never going to end, this suffering, but if it makes you feel better just know that nothing is forever, not even the pain, I promise you it’ll get better.



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