
Showing posts from May, 2023

Learn from it

 Life will not always be so majestic. Not all people will be honest, loyal, or truly your friend. Some people just come into our lives to hurt, to teach us a lesson, and to make us become a better person. To stop you, to break you, you know why? Because they don’t want you to succeed. They want you down because they know what you are capable of. But you my darling, you are fearless, brave, and trust me, yourself, nobody can put you down. Each time you fall you have to come back stronger. No person in your life comes in-vain, everybody teaches you something and your work is to not grieve about it, to learn from it.  ~Divya✨

It’ll get better

My darling I know it pains you, you think nobody understands you and your pain, it's true nobody can. But if it makes you feel better  I want you to know that everybody around us is suffering, we all are going through things we are too young to face and too naive but I promise you it’ll get better, for you, me, and everybody. Not everybody will understand you, they will think you are just overdoing it but if it makes you feel better just know that they are too the soldiers of their own battle thinking how much you are privileged you are than them and if it makes you feel better just know that you are much more given then many people are. I know it makes you feel like you are caged in an invisible cage with the key long gone but if it makes you feel better just know I promise you to find the key and you’ll fly in the sky like a bird who is free, I promise you it’ll get better. You think it's only you, why me? My darling trust me it’s not just you, it’s everybody who’s suffering,

Failure doesn’t have to mean the end of the world

 Failure can be a difficult thing to confront, but it doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. The power of resilience and self-determination can help you stay focused on the future, no matter what happened in the past. It’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in a rut when you’re confronted with failure, but it’s important to remember that this isn’t the end of your journey. Take a step back, evaluate the situation, and try to learn from it. What went wrong? How can you avoid making the same mistake again? It’s also important not to get too caught up in the past. We can’t change what has already happened, so it’s best to focus on what comes next. Make a plan for the future, set goals, and work towards them. You may not be able to completely erase the memory of the failure, but you can certainly move forward. Surrounding yourself with positive people can also help you stay focused on the future. Rely on your support system, family, friends, mentors, etc. And get their advice an

Stop Bullying

 I discovered her story when I researched for my psychology project, about how people with alopecia are bullied. During the research, I came across an article about a twelve-year-old girl who committed suicide due to bullying in school. Such a brave, strong girl who had a whole life ahead of her, so precious, just because some people forget their humanity and become monsters, she suffered to an extent she couldn’t hold herself. She took her own life because of what people, rather children, did to her? Just for a moment think about what would have passed through the little girl’s mind. How much she would have suffered from taking such a big step.  We would like to make a very humble request to everyone, please never tease, or bully anyone for fun. Maybe for you, it's just a game, but for the victim, it will affect them forever. Teach your children, and siblings, how to be grounded, and humble with people. Bullying can have serious consequences and can even lead to depression


 Do you curse yourself why are you in that position? Why you? Trust me darling it’s not just you everybody right now is facing something in their lives. It’s just for some it could be seen but some are exceptionally good at hiding which makes it even harder for them. You are blessed no matter what. Bad things happen, it happens to everyone but it’s just how you deal with it. We should always be blessed with whatever we have because many people don’t even have that. We should always have a sense of gratitude in ourselves. No matter how much deep you are in it, know that there is always a ray of hope begging to be seen, and if it gets too much, ask for help which is totally fine because look at you, you’re so strong and have the courage to ask for help. How easily we say, hands, legs, eyes, five senses, hair these things are with everyone what’s so special if I have to? But darling ask them who doesn’t. In this life nothing can be taken for granted whatever you have, you are blessed and

It’s okay to cry

 If you want to cry, then cry it out, it's not gonna make you weak, well it makes you even stronger. Let it all out, Do you know why even god has given us the ability to cry, tears are used to communicate your emotions to others. Emotional tears contain stress hormones and are called natural painkillers. It's okay to cry because it's a natural way for your body to release emotions and feelings. No, it doesn’t make you a small little girl, it makes you the most powerful person. You don’t have to be strong all the time, sometimes you have to experience your emotions and then make a strong comeback. Crying gives you the energy to come back and punch the problem ten times harder. The fact says that crying can actually elevate your mood by lowering your manganese level. Don’t forget you are a human too, it's perfectly fine to have a meltdown. Even the clouds cry when they become heavy, but a clear sky is always waiting behind the crying clouds just like your whole wide brigh